Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Feeling The Love!

Thanks for the kind comments - I really appreciate it! I guess I need to work on my tough blogger skin :) As I mentioned in the last post, there are only a few things that I'll be heading out to get this week:


After the last few weeks of incredible deals (I even tried to print more HBoO coups on every computer I came across!), there's really not much. Yes, there is a Spend $25, Get $10 Off Instantly deal, but it's all stuff that seems to go on sale much cheaper if you just wait. Also, the matching coupons are all for .50 or .55 off (great if you live in the land of doubles, but that's not my world!)

If I'm there anyway - maybe to get some .38/lb cantaloupe? - I might do the following:

Buy 2, Get 2 Air Wick aerosol sprays - use 2 of the BOGO Qs from the last paper and you should get all 4 free!

.69 Powerade (use with $1 or .75 Qs for some overage)

Have you been able to find the $1.24 small packs of CleanTeam wipes? These are awesome with the $3/2 Qs from the last mailer!


Here's one place that I'm not really feeling the love lately. They absolutely refuse to stock Tava - I have this great raincheck for 3/$5, but have been unable to use it for over a month!!! I've tried to special order it - nothing! Also, I have had a very difficult time with their promos, the catalina never prints out like it should and then I have to explain to the manager what the promo is and why I should get my cat. By the way, a catalina coupon is the skinny coupon that prints from the machine next to the receipt printer. At Walgreens these are the way you get your Register Rewards.

Safeway seems to have jacked their prices way up on everything involved with the Summer Promo and it's hard to do really well on this without wandering the store and bringing lots of coupons. That's what I've found at least. I was so excited about the $1 tofu that I was hearing about that worked for the promo (my baby loves this coated in brown sugar and baked) and so I went trying to stock up - nope, it's $1.50 here. That's why I bought 6 packs of hot dogs (they were only $1 and I know I'm going to be BBQing)!

Let's take some time and leave a comment about things that you have found (in NW prices) that fit this promo! Here's my list:

  • The Kraft Singles are finally on sale (still $4.99!!!!), but you can buy some cheap qualifying items and use your Parade magazine free Kraft Singles Q.
  • Are the Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs still $1? That's a great price!
  • Excedrin Back & Body 24 ct. is $2.99 and has a mail-in rebate and there are Qs out there.
  • If you have the $1 Nabisco tearpad Qs, these work on a few of the crackers that qualify and will knock the price down to $1.50-$2. Also nice if you have any of the free Kraft cheese peelies when you buy 2 boxes of Nabisco crackers. The deli sliced cheese are under the price of the Q.
  • Betty Crocker Cake mix is $1.50 and I am in LOVE with these cookies and so I'm buying a bunch of these!!! Mommy Making Money is such a kick-butt blog!

Also, did you grab the Free Nivea Lip Care Rebate form in the RedPlum insert that came with the grocery ads this week? Nice! There was also a Flex-a-min $5 Q if you want to try the Rite Aid rebate deal, but it's not nearly as sweet without the BOGO of last week.

Lastly, there is a free shampoo/conditioner opportunity at Walgreens - the Pantene Pro-V is 2/$8 and there is a $4/2 ESR and if you use 2-$2 Qs from the P&G insert = 2 free (these smell mega good P.S.) And I've heard that there are Bic highlighters that are 2/$1 and here is a $1/2 Q.

My Target has Colgate Total on clearance for $1.58 and there is a $1 Target Q here and $1.50 Manu. Q here. Potential overage!


Storm, The Psychotic Housewife said...

I went the first week to Safeway to kind of scope it all out - I found they had raised the prices at mine on almost everything included in the promo, so I just walked away. It wasn't worth the hassle to me (I guess I was busy being spoiled by the good Albertsons ads then!)

Boo hoo, my Target has the Total at $2.71 - I would have loved me some overage!

Unknown said...

I agree this isn't a great deal week unless you need school supplies. (So much so that my new to couponing sister called me and asked if she missed anything!) I haven't even tried safeway, I can't eat enough hot dogs or pay even the sale prices for most things!

I did go to rite aid and get Revlon eyeshadow, Revlon tweezers, Advil, and dove shampoo and conditioner for about $3 minus at least $4 rebate.

Hopefully we'll get some "back to school" food sales soon! Peanutbutter, jelly, bread, and more cereal! (Maniacal laughter coming from behind a giant mountain of cereal!)

amyb said...

I decided to skip the Safeway summer promo totally, I didn't feel like anything was a good deal...especially since they have jacked the prices up on everything. I have been really disappointed with Safeway lately. Hopefully they will have some good back to school sales soon!

Laura said...

I'm skipping Safeway too. The prices seem too high and I've read about people having trouble getting the cats to print out. Not worth the time and stress when I'm standing at the checkout with 3 kiddos age 6 and under. "Please don't touch the candy!!!" I did feel like I made a killing at Wags and Rite Aid this week though. Safeway's just got to do better to tempt me.

Laura said...

Oh! One more thing. My Target has the Colgate Total clearanced too. If yours is like mine, it's got the two travel size as a bonus attached to the full size. There are also two Target coupons inside the box: $1/1 colgate toothpaste, and $1/1 colgate toothbrush. Each coupon expires 4/30/09.

Sienna said...

Sounds like we've all been pretty spoiled with Albies lately! It is pretty sickening the Safeway prices lately. Thanks for the comments!

Samantha said...

Thanks for the coupon! I'm right with you, wondering if I should maybe give up the blog because I don't get many comments and I'm not sure it is helping anyone (which is the whole reason I started it). One really encouraging thing to do is install a visitor counter on your page. I like you Walgreens deals you post.