Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Some More Rite-Aid Deals!

A few deals that I didn't mention:

  • Purina Dog and Cat food is $3.49, use this $4 Q to make some money! (You have to fill out the info to get the coupon, but it's a good cause and free dog/cat food when you're done! Make sure to hit the back button, so that you can print 2 Qs!)
  • Lysol Neutra Air is BOGO, use your BOGO Qs from last month's and this month's papers to get 2 free!
  • There is a hidden deal with the Flex-a-min Glucosamine (the red topped bottle, 60 ct., not in a box). It is BOGO this week for $12.99. You can use 2 of the $5 Qs from the paper a while back and then both should qualify for a SCR. Potential $$$ = ~$7 and free glucosamine! This deal is good all month.
  • Also, the John Frieda travel-size hairspray is reportedly working for the SCR. Buy 3 and get $5, then use the $3/2 or $1/1 tearpad Qs from the cardboard display to make more $$. I couldn't find any of these, but I'll keep looking. Good moneymaker! This deal is good all month.

I paid $4.52 (my subtotal was only $1.97!), but if all goes well with my rebates, then I should be getting $10 back = a profit of $5.48! I'll let you know!

I actually had a cashier apologize to me because she had turned away my internet coupons last time that I was there. I guess after I left, she had a meeting with her manager and now they accept internet coupons. YMMV (your mileage may vary), but the RA that I hated shopping at, is now a bit better. Plus, my doggies love free dog food!


Unknown said...

BOGO coupon plus BOGO deal is also YMMV.

On HCW someone was told this was against policy, but many stores will accept it. Explain it like this: I'm buying one and paying with the MC that you will be reimbursed for, and getting one free with your deal. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't!

Sienna said...

I agree that it is YMMV, but it seems like all deals are that way. It's amazing what a cashier will decide is not okay and what just flies through. It definitely makes sense to use the explaination that the coupon (the manufacturer) is buying one and the store is buying the other. If they didn't want this to happen, then they shouldn't do BOGO sales when there are BOGO Qs! Plus, the coupon doesn't beep, so it's okay in my world!