Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Albertsons Today

With coupons and rebates, I ended up making money at Albertsons today. I took advantage (AGAIN) of their 10 for $10 deal with cereal. I don't really like Fruity cheerios, but I had good coupons for them, so they'll be going to the food bank with some more of my Walgreen's goodies. I needed more marshmallows for some rice krispie treats I'm planning to make. The Curves cereal is the big moneymaker, but I was all out of those coupons (darn that print limit thing). The Huggies wipes worked with my $1 off coupon so they were just .24. The big moneymaker is the LiveActive cheese - They had a special where if you buy 2/$10 you automatically get $3 off your bill. I also had 2 $2 coupons and then I will be sending in for the rebate for $9. So my total bill with tax was $8.38, but then I'll get the $9 back!

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