Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Little Slow on the Diaper Rewards

So I'm finally getting around to checking out the diaper reward sites that I have heard mentioned. I guess I have just been buying my diapers at Costco and knew that I couldn't use those receipts for cash back. Well, my daughter isn't growing as fast as I thought, so now I have 2 huge Costco boxes of size 3 diapers, but she is still only a size 2. So emergency diaper buying today! I went to Rite-Aid because it's close and I knew that they had a buy 5 packs of Huggies, get 1 free offer. I also knew that today was the last day for the $5 off of 3 Huggies. Long story short...I am now a happy member of 2 sites:

The Caregiver's Marketplace & Pampers Gifts to Grow

Check them out.

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