Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What I spent $9.79 on this week

This is from a few different stops this week: Safeway, Rite Aid, WalMart and Albertsons.
Free o.b. tampons from the Earth Day coupon book = free
Rite Aid:
Free After Rebate (FAR) items -
Got2Be Hair gel = free
Got2Be Smoothing serum = free
Adidas deodorant (used 3.99 coupon from All You magazine) = made 3.99
Orajel Kids Plaque rinse (will send in for 1.50 rebate) = made 1.50
Kotex pads (used $1.00 printable) = free
Muir Glen tomatoes (used $1 printable) = .24 each
Dawn foaming soap (used 1.50 coupon from coupon book, will send in for money back guarantee) = made 1.50
Johnsons buddies soap (used $2/2 coupon) = .06 overage each
Zantac cool mint (used $5 coupon) = $1.02 overage
LiveActive cereal (used $3 coupon) = .o2 overage
Cascadian Farms veggies (used $1 coupon) = .98 each
Bush's Grillin beans (used $1 coupon from Sunday paper) = .25
4 boxes of Nabisco crackers (used $1 tearpad coupon from store) = .67 each
2 Kraft cheese (used free cheese when you buy Nabisco cracker peelie found on cracker box) = free
1 lb of catfish (splurge for a recipe I want to make, no coupons but...)
2 boxes of Pepperidge farm crackers (free when you buy $5 worth of meat/seafood)
4 ready made cookies (used $1 printable on Nestle, the other ones were only a $1 marked down) = $3 for all 4

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