Sharing my deal-finding adventures in the land of no CVS

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Safeway Is Giving Me Free Pop!

I read about this double dippin' deal at Safeway on Megan's Bargains and HotCouponWorld and it worked out! Pretty much it works like this: There is a buy 2-12 packs, get 2-12 packs free offer going on. At the same time there is a buy 3 Hallmark cards, get 1 free 12 pack of Coke. So if you buy 6 of the .99 Hallmark cards, then you get 2 free 12 packs, thus triggering 2 more free 12 packs. Even better is the free 24 pack of water that you get free as well!

So for $6.46 you get:
6 cards
4-12 packs of Coke products
1-24 pack of water
and a Large Popcorn coupon for the movies!

Since my hubby is addicted to Diet Coke/Coke, this works out very well for us! I did this deal twice (with 2 different cards, there is a 1 time limit on the water freebie) and used up some of my Earthday coupons to get free shampoo and cheap spinach. The bacon, almonds, and milk were needed for a few items I'm making for my book club. With all of my groceries, I spent $21.10. Not bad for stocking the pantry and my card collection!


Megan said...

I love it when good deals actually work! :) Sometimes they don't, or it gets tricky with coupons, etc. but this one was super easy! Glad it worked for you too! We are Diet Coke addicts too.

amyb said...

Thanks for posting this! I went to Safeway and did this twice today! My hubby was floored at the deal. Even the cashier at Safeway and the woman behind me in line were amazed and asked how I did it. Thanks again!